Report on the Phase 1 of the Preservation Project for the Mural of Buddha's Life Painted by Kosetsu Nosu at Mulagandha Kuty Vihara in Sarnath,

  Varanasi, UP, India         

                                                    January 18, 2020


Reference From the Facebook of Embassy of India

A restoration project of the paintings done by Japanese master painter Mr. Kosetsu Nosu is going on at the Mulagandha Kuti Vihar Buddhist temple, Sarnath, Varanasi in association with Mahabodhi Society of India. In 1918, Kosetsu Nosu, an ardent Japanese Buddhist, came to India, drawn by the aesthetics of the Ajanta mural paintings. Kosetsu Nosu made copies of ancient Indian paintings at Ajanta Caves and then did paintings on the walls of the temple depicting major events of the Buddha’s life during the year 1932-36. The temple is celebrated for being built at the same place, where Lord Buddha delivered his first sermon and the temple contains the body relics of the Buddha.
The restoration project is undertaken by the “Society for Honouring the master artist Kosetsu Nosu” and the first phase of the restoration was held during November 28-December 17, 2019 under the leadership of technical supervisor Prof. Takayasu Kijima and curator Shigeki Mizobuchi. The restoration project’s main collaborators are Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai (Society for the Promotion of Buddhism), in special Cooperation with Foundation for Cultural Heritage and Art Research, Travel Saray, Saishiki Sekkei Corp., and Discover India Club (DIC). The project is being supported by Embassy of India, Tokyo, Kagawa Prefecture, The Japan-India Association and The Nakamura Hajime Eastern Institute, Shukutoku Gakuen and Musashino University.
この保全事業は、「野生司香雪画伯顕彰会」によって行われています。第1期保全活動が2019年11月29日から12月17日まで、木島隆康教授及び 溝渕茂樹学芸員の監督の下、すでに行われています。同事業は、仏教伝道協会からの協賛を受けており、また特別協力団体として文化財保護・技術研究助成財団が、協力団体として(株)トラベルサライ、(有)彩色設計、ディスカバーインディアクラブ等が参画しています。さらに、在日インド大使館や香川県、(公財)日印協会、(公財)中村元東宝研究所、(学)淑徳学園、(学)武蔵野大学からの後援を受け、実施されています。