Nosu Kosetsu after India and his works in Nagano in Japan

Welcome Party 


In 1936, the members of the Japan Art Institute (Nihon Bijutuin⇦Reference) held welcome party in honor of great achievements of Kosetsu Nosu during 1932~1936 in India.

All the famous artists of the Academy gathered to applaud his feat.


The Japan Art Institute 日本美術院(nihonbijutuin)⇦Link

Zenkoji Temple(⇦link) in Nagano City


   After coming back from India, Kosetsu Nosu was requested to draw Murals in the  Unjo-Den (Cremains Repository) of the Zenkoji Temple in Nagano City in 1940.  

    He finally moved to Nagano City in 1943 to draw the mural which was completed in 1947. On the other hand, he became a member of Kagawa Prefecture Art Association in Takamatsu City where he was born.

   He left lots of works not only in Kagawa Prefecture but also in Nagano Prefecture where he had lived there until he died in 1973 at the age 88.


Left: Zenkoji Unjo-Den Standing Sign                                                    Right: Mural in Unjo-Den

H.E. S.K. Verma, Ambassador of India visited the Zenkoji in Nagano

H.E. Sanjay Kumar Verma, Ambassador of India to Japan; and Smt. Gunjan Verma, spouse of Ambassador, visited Shinshu Zenkoji Temple in Nagano prefecture, accompanied by Prof. Siddharth Singh, Director, Vivekananda Cultural Centre. (19th May 2021)

Link to FB of Embassy of India

Full Scale Sketch of the Mural of Mulagandha Kuty Vihara in Sarnath

Why is it in the Eiheiji-Temple in Fukui Prefecture?

There isn't a single person who won't be moved after leaning the story of the Full Scale Sketch of Murals of Buddha's Life  at the Mulagandha Kuty Vihara in Sarnath. It must be a series of Buddha's edge, not a  coincidence. 

Nosu Kosetsu brought the full scale sketch of the Murals to Japan in 1936.  While working at Zenkoji-Temple, it was moved to Eiheiji and exhibited there for some special event in 1948. However, it had been stored in the warehouse of the temple and forgotten completely since 1952 until 1986. Studying the history of Sketch, Mr. Shigeki Mizobuchi, Curator of Kagawa Prefecture Cultural Center and Researcher on Nosu Kosetsu & his works, arrived at Zen master Donin Minamisawa, Vice Chief Abbot of Eiheiji who had been involved deeply in keeping the Sketch  at that time when it moved there from Kosetsu. It had passed 50 years since the Mural was completed in Sarnath, but the master Minamisawa remembered  well about the event in 1948.

Then, this full scale sketch was exhibited at the Exhibition in Takamatsu City in 1986.


Dr. Hajime Nakamura, founder of the Nakamura Hajime Eastern Institute and Zen master Donin Minamisawa were seen in the picture taken at the Exhibition in Takamatsu City, Kagawa Prefecture held in 1986. 

Works of Kosetsu Nosu at Enpukuji-temple in Nagano City

The Enpukuji(⇦Link), Buddhism Temple of Soto School, has 2 large-scale ceiling pictures and 7 pictures of Buddha's Life drawn by Nosu Kosetsu.


Left: Heavenly Maiden (Tennyo) on the ceiling , Center: Phoenix on the ceiling,   Right: Buddha's  Enlightenment 


Shinano-Mainichi News Paper


One of the most influential local news papers, Sinano-Mainichi Simbun in Nagano covered the stories of Nosu Kosetsu and the activities of the Society of honoring the master artist Kosetsu Nosu,  which had just launched a campaign for the Mural Restoration Project in Sarnath in India.

                                               (April 13th, 2019)


         If you need a complete copy, please contact the newspaper company.