Exhibition and Forum in Takamatsu City in September, 2020
Forum: Sept.1st, Tuesday 13:30~15:40
Exhibition: Sept. 1st~6th, 9:00~17:00
Venue: Kagawa Prefecture Museum
Forum and Exhibition will be held in Takamatsu City in September, 2020
The Society has started activities to proceed the tasks in this year.
The first plan is to hold the Forum/Exhibition in early September in Takamatsu City, Kagawa Prefecture that is the hometown of Kosetsu Nosu, before beginning the next Phase (2nd & 3rd) of Restoration Works in Sarnath, India.
We are studying the possibilities to hold the event while watching the situation of new coronavirus infection.
This is one of the masterpieces of Nosu Kosetsu newly found at an Art Dealer in Tokyo. It must be one of the exhibits.
It was drawn by Nosu Kosetsu at the age 35 in 1920, after coming back from Ajanta Cave in India where he had experiences of reproducing illustrations.
He met Arai Kanpo, Kiriya Senrin and Mukul Dey there and worked together in 1917.
Site Menu
> Message from the Society
> Mulagandha Kuty Vihara
> News from the Society
・Report on Preservation Phase 1
・Society of honoring the master artist
Kosetsu Nosu
・Nosu Kosetsu and Sarnath in India
・Sarnath and Anagarika Dharmapala
・Nosu Kosetsu after India and Nagano in
・Kick-off Forum at Embassy of India,
October 2019
・Exhibition and Forum in Takamatsu,
Kagawa, September 2020
・Nosu Kosetsu in Mukul Dey Archives
・Contact us
Member, The Society of honoring the master
artist Kosetsu Nosu
eMail: ym48@icloud.com
URL: https:// nosu-kosetsu-tokyo.jimdofree.com