Kosetsu Nosu : The Japanese Artist who Painted at Sarnath
執筆者:Satyasri Ukil
2020/05/26 17:05
YUTAKA MIYAHARA sent a message using the contact form at
I am in charge of Public Relations for the Society of honoring the master
artist Kosetsu Nosu who murals in Sarnath in 1930s. The Society was founded
by private volunteers to do preserving peeling and complementing color for
murals due to deterioration over times in cooperation with the Maha Bodhi
Society of India. Please click here for details. URL:
We learned the strory in your website on closer relations between Principle
Mukul Dey and Kosetsu Nosu and the principle had helped Nosu Kosetsu and his
assistant to complete printing murals for about 4 years in Sarnath, India.
May we ask your favor to permit mutual links between our tow sites?
Furthermore, we will be more than happy if you allow us to upload the
articles on Kosetsu Nosu written by Mr. Satyasri Ukil in our site with
Japanese translation. After reading the Google translation, I determined to
do it by myself. Please check it in our website.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Best regards,
Yutaka Miyahara
2020/05/26 17:52
2020/05/26 18:05
Site Menu
> Message from the Society
> Mulagandha Kuty Vihara
> News from the Society
・Report on Preservation Phase 1
・Society of honoring the master artist
Kosetsu Nosu
・Nosu Kosetsu and Sarnath in India
・Sarnath and Anagarika Dharmapala
・Nosu Kosetsu after India and Nagano in
・Kick-off Forum at Embassy of India,
October 2019
・Exhibition and Forum in Takamatsu,
Kagawa, September 2020
・Nosu Kosetsu in Mukul Dey Archives
・Contact us
Member, The Society of honoring the master
artist Kosetsu Nosu
eMail: ym48@icloud.com
URL: https:// nosu-kosetsu-tokyo.jimdofree.com